License overview

NOTE: Since 20th of March 2025 both PHP Tools for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code employ same licensing model explained bellow. Previous versions are not affected and maintain licensing model which was in effect once they were released.

Perpetual Fallback Licensing Model

We use a Perpetual Fallback Licensing model for both PHP Tools for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. This means:

  • When you purchase an annual subscription, you immediately get a perpetual fallback license for the version available at the time of purchase.
  • During your active subscription, you have access to all updates and support.
  • If you choose not to renew, you can continue using the version you had at the time your subscription lapsed, along with minor bugfix updates.

License Types

The commercial license is the option for legal entities, including companies, organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) and government. It can be installed by any developer on any machine within a company or organization, provided that the total number of developers using the software at a time does not exceed the number of purchased licenses. See Organizations - Commercial License for more information.

The personal license is the option for individual developers who acquire it using their own funds. It is non-transferable. The product can be installed on different computers, but it cannot be used on those computers at the same time. A personal license is not available to a company, or to an individual who expects reimbursement of the license fee from a company. See Individuals - Personal License for more information.

How do you deliver the software?

The software is directly downloaded by the customer from or from Visual Studio’s Marketplace. To activate the product, the customer needs to enter the license key, which is sent by email once the payment has been approved.

Do you ship any physical products?

No. All PHP Tools versions are available for downloads from our website and you only need a purchased license to activate the software.

I completed my online order and received confirmation. When will I get my license?

Online orders made from our purchase page are generally processed immediately. You should receive an email with your license key in less than 2 hours. Please, check your spam folder and contact us at if it has been more than 2 hours.

Where can I find my existing licenses and their expiration dates?

You can sign in with your social account at our website and see all your licenses and their status.

devsense website

Where can I download the latest or previous versions of PHP Tools?

Go to our Download page and you will find all our versions available for downloads.