May 2022 (version 1.65)


Welcome to the May 2022 release of PHP Tools for Visual Studio.

Debug Inlines

We're always trying to provide more insights while debugging your code. There are many features like Immediate Window, Quick Watch, Pinning Objects (aka Object IDs), or an efficient large array support.

With the v1.65 we are adding one more - displaying debug inlines.

php debug inlines

Debug inlines are displayed in gray italic at the end of line. It shows values of variables and expressions depending on the current debugging context. Usually it is function parameters, loop variables, and expressions being read in the current statement.

php debug inlines

To disable/enable Debug Inlines, go to Tools / Options, Text Editor / PHP / Advanced, and change the value of Debug Inlines option.

Highlighting ToDo

One of the frequently requested feature is to highlight TODOs in your code. The release v1.65 provides highlighting of single line comments //TODO:, #TODO, or @todo within documentary comments.

highlighting todo

highlighting todo

To disable/enable highlighting of TODOs, go to Tools / Options, Text Editor / PHP / Advanced, and change the value of Highlighting of TODO comments option.


  • parsing type hints from documentary comments respects more psalm and phpstan conventions
  • memory use optimizations
  • fixes rare cases of invalid type inferring analysis
  • improves use of templated type arguments
  • completion and tooltips show templated type arguments