About Us

In 2009, DEVSENSE was founded by four software engineers with years of practical and theoretical experience about software research and development. Their first -and still ongoing project- comes from their university research. Phalanger - the open-source PHP language compiler for .NET Framework, required high understanding of PHP and .NET internals. This work involved a deep cooperation with the Microsoft Research members and the Microsoft development team in Redmond.

The company is based in Prague, Czech Republic. It became a Microsoft Partner, providing tools and support for improving PHP web sites efficiency and security on Microsoft platforms. While working on a PHP compiler, DEVSENSE team members gained knowledge of PHP internals. This helped to create the PHP analysis methods used in the compiler and in the smart code editor for PHP Tools for Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Partner

Microsoft Partner

To provide the best user experience and to move forward the cooperation with the Microsoft development team, DEVSENSE became a Visual Studio Industry Partner. Since the public availability of PHP Tools for Visual Studio, the company is providing development tools for thousands of customers. The development team is working hard to create a powerful, smart, easy-to-use and productivity-enhancing Visual Studio integration, targeting software development professionals who rely on a fast and intuitive environment.


Zemedelska 1579/16
160 00 Prague
Czech Republic
European Union


Bank Information


Fio Banka, a.s.
V Celnici 1028/10
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic
European Union


Currency Account Bank Code IBAN BIC/SWIFT
USD 2800172029 2010 CZ1120100000002800172029 FIOBCZPPXXX
EUR 2300172030 2010 CZ5520100000002300172030 FIOBCZPPXXX
GBP 2600172032 2010 CZ3620100000002600172032 FIOBCZPPXXX
CZK 2100172028 2010 CZ2120100000002100172028 FIOBCZPPXXX

W8-BEN (DEVSENSE) Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding

W8-BEN-E (DEVSENSE) Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities)

W9 (Avangate) Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification ( If you are purchasing through our e-commerce site )

DEVSENSE s.r.o. is a limited liability company registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Czech Republic, Section C, File No. 146930 with identification number (IC) 28511425 (VAT ID: CZ 28511425).